Live Chat has Arrived!

I happy to announce that our Live Chat Staffing service is now ready to come out of flyerImage2Beta and we have opened a limited amount of spots. Ever wanted to take your website to the next level of support or service by offering Live Chat? Do the technical or personnel costs make the idea unfeasible?

Impact Media is bringing the option to you for a fraction of personnel costs and we are taking care of all of the technical details for you for less than 50 cents an hour or $2.50 a day!  For a limited time only!

A live operator at Impact Media Solutions will conduct a lead conversion and/or provide any information you choose.


The operator will use internal scripts or any scripts you would prefer to use. After a lead has contacted our Live Operator they will then provide you a live transfer when possible and a transcript of the communication of every lead.

Of course there are a few restrictions.  You can see the full flyer here.