Monkey Junction Self Storage shopped several web design firms in town and was very thorough before deciding to use Impact Media for their Internet Marketing project. They are very happy they made the choice they did, with the results they have gotten to date, and we are just beginning with the launch of their BRAND NEW website.
When Mr. McGirt first came to us there were several items that were very important to him, so what Impact Media did was to take those items and formulate a strategy and incorporate that into an action plan that first started with his Web Design and User Interface. We wanted to know what people used his site for mainly and what he wanted them to use it for going forward on the new website, and so we began our journey.
Now with the new web design up, we have just begun the SEO or Search Engine Optimization portion of his Internet Marketing strategy. This portion of the plan will entail Impact Media leveraging certain aspects of his site, and other sites to gain a better rank on the Search Engines to provide his website better exposure. Please see below for an image of the new site, and you can click to go to the website.